- Graduate Student
Department of Neurology,
Aichi Medical University, School of Medicine
- irrashid@aichi-med-u.ac.jp
- irfan.bmb.cu@gmail.com
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/M_Rashid2
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0023-1602
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Rashid+MI
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RfhjxHcAAAAJ&hl=en
Muhammad Irfanur Rashid is a Bangladeshi born and completed his B.Sc. and M.S. degree from the Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh (BMB-CU). Currently, under Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT), he is pursuing his Ph.D. on establishing a disease model for muscular/ neuro-muscular Disease by using human iPSCs to determine the underlying molecular mechanisms and also to develop novel therapeutic approaches for motor/ muscle/ neuromuscular dysfunction under the supervision of Dr. Yohei Okada at the Dept. of Neurology, Aichi Medical University, Japan. His research career has potentiated under the supervising of Prof. Dr. ASM Noman (Currently Visiting Professor, McGill University, Canada) during his M.S. level at the Laboratory of Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Function (EuGEF), BMB-CU. His Master's and Post Master's level research was mainly focusing on investigating the mechanism of signaling molecules in Breast and Head & Neck cancer and also involved in the field of arsenicosis (Investigating the pattern of HSPs & TLRs in arsenic exposed hPBMCs). Besides research involvement, he was also the coordinator of HEQEP- CP 4023 to set infrastructural and advanced research facilities at BMB-CU. In the line of his research accomplishment, he has achieved very prestigious Fellowship Award (R&D) from the National Ministry of Science & Technology of Bangladesh (2016). He is one of the MEXT Awardees from Bangladesh (2018).
Selected publications
- Chemotherapeutic resistance of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is mediated by EpCAM induction driven by IL-6/p62 associated Nrf2-antioxidant pathway activation. Noman ASM, Parag RR, Rashid MI, Islam S, Rahman MZ, Chowdhury AA, Sultana A, Jerin C, Siddiqua A, Rahman L, et al., Cell Death & Disease. 2020 Aug 20;11(8):663; doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-02907-x; PMID: 3281477
- Widespread expression of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Nrf2 in patients treated with cisplatin predicts outcome in resected tumors and are potential therapeutic targets for HPV-negative head and neck cancer. Noman AS, Parag RR, Rashid MI, Rahman MZ, Chowdhury AA, Sultana A, Jerin C, Siddiqua A, Rahman L, Shirin A, Nayeem J, et al., Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology. 2020 Mar 13;12:1758835920911229; doi: 10.1177/1758835920911229; PMID: 32206093
- Serum sonic hedgehog (SHH) and interleukin-(IL-6) as dual prognostic biomarkers in progressive metastatic breast cancer. Noman AS, Uddin M, Chowdhury AA, Nayeem MJ, Raihan Z, Rashid MI, Azad AK, Rahman ML, Barua D, Sultana A, Shirin A, Ferdous J, Parag RR, et al., Scientific Reports. 2017 May 11;7(1):1796; doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01268-4; PMID: 28496132
- Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship, 2018, “Title: Pathophysiological analysis and drug discovery targeting neuro-muscular interactions in motor neuron diseases using disease specific iPSCs.”
- R&D Fellowship (2016) given by National Ministry of Science & Technology (Bangladesh), “Title: Role of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) pathway genes in breast oncogenesis and correlation with ER, PR, HER2 receptor status ”
- Board Scholarship based on Secondary School Certificate Examination (GPA 5.00 out of 5.00), 2006